Sponge Reactions Clip

در فیلم آموزشی زیر توضیحاتی پیرامون واکنش های شیمیایی ای که هنگام تولید اسفنج های پلی یورتان اتفاق می افتد بیان شده است. همچنین توضیحاتی راجع به کاتالیست های این واکنش ها و تاثیر مقدار آنها بر روی حالت اسفنج تولیدشده نهایی خدمت شما عزیزان ارائه شده است.

Theoretical and practical workshops

Dear companions, the Sharif Faomiran Polymer Engineering Group, with goal of teaching the scientific and practical principles related to the production of polyurethane products, in particular polyurethane foam, has conducted theoritical and practical workshops.

Academic workshops will be held at the office of the company, and practical training will be held at the site of Foamiran Polymer Manufacturing plants.

Participating in these workshops is very good for co-workers who are cautious for any reason with various problems in their production, including the volume of high waste, inappropriate profitability, poor quality of the product and ....

. Practical production of small-scale laboratory samples and Large-scale industrial production .

The subjects presented at the workshops include the training of different aspects of polyurethane products formulation, formulation training in different scales, the recognition of common types of raw materials and the performance of each in the reactions, and the effect of each on the properties of the final produced sample, the presentation new ideas and...


Contact our colleagues for more information.

"Thank you for your attention"

PU sponge formulation and its relations

Additional descriptions in the following audio file:

Production of sponge

«Setting up production lines for polyurethane foam»



2.Production methods

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Download all the voices – > Foamipco_Voices_Series1

File size: 21.6 MB

Consultation and set up production lines

Contact us to launch the foam and sponge production line.

Ask us most updated and optimal sponge formulation and additives.

Our partners are proud to be next to your loved ones in this industry owing to run all kinds of flexible polyurethane foam molded and conveyor production lines.

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